National Library of Medicine

Digital Gallery


After scientists confirmed that mosquitoes can transmit yellow fever and other diseases, mosquito control emerged as an important public health measure. Discover how Americans have managed mosquitoes at home and abroad through this selection of items from the NLM collection.

A white man receives an inoculation in a roomful of military personnel

Conquerors of Yellow Fever, illustration by Dean Cornwell, ca. 1940

Courtesy National Library of Medicine

In the 1940s, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals used this painting of the US Army’s Yellow Fever Commission, the group led by Dr. Walter Reed that confirmed the link between mosquitoes and yellow fever, in an advertising campaign celebrating “Pioneers of American Medicine.” The image includes Dr. Walter Reed, standing center, Dr. Carlos J. Finlay, standing in a black suit on the left, and the rest of the members of the commission.