National Library of Medicine

Digital Gallery


Women physicians participate in professional dialogue when they publish their research. Discover a selection of books and articles from the NLM Digital Collections about both their scientific research and their experiences in a male-dominated field.

Title page of an article by Dr. Helen O. Dickens.

“One Hundred Pregnant Adolescents, Treatment Approaches in a University Hospital,” American Journal of Public Health, Helen Octavia Dickens et. al., 1973

In this article, Dr. Helen O. Dickens (1909–2001) and her co-authors explored various aspects of teenage pregnancy. Among other questions, the authors investigated the health and emotional state of young mothers before, during, and after the delivery of their children, their plans for the care of their children and desire to have more children, their plans to return to school or work, and their interest in using contraceptives. They also examined the effect of intense, personal contact between hospital staff and young mothers before and after their delivery.