BROWSE these letters, papers, photographs, and other materials.
"1846–1958 Digest of Official Actions, American...
1961 program with certain hospitals providing a...
"1963–1964 Chicago area Negro medical students,...
1977 Rudolf Schindler Award, presentation by Angelo...
"2 honored for service to blacks," Chicago Tribune
"3rd World Congress of Gastroenterology Congress...
9000 black in Muncie, Indiana…no business...boycott...
Acceptance speech by Leonidas H. Berry on receipt of...
A complete bibliography of every publication related...
Affidavit of Matilda Sims, former widow of Samuel...
Affidavit of Nicholas C. Hightower Jr., MD, PhD on...
Affidavit of Polly Carr regarding claim for pension...
Agenda for Chicago Commission on Human Relations...
Agenda for Health Committee Meeting, Chicago...
Agenda for Health Committee meeting on October 16,...
Agenda for the Joint Conference between the Liaison...
Agenda, Health Committee meeting, January 24, 1962
Agenda, Health Committee Meeting, March 8, 1961
Agenda, joint meeting, Chicago Medical Society and...
Agenda, meeting of Chicago area medical students,...
Agenda Wednesday
AMA education loan program and handwritten notes...
AME Church Health Commission Quadrennial Report