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Italian nurses at a field hospital, ca. 1915
National Library of Medicine

Military NursingPublisher:
Italian Red Cross
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[Postmark] Crose Rossa Italiana Ospetale di Guerra N. 60 [illegible]
[Illegible postmark]
[Handwriting] Giugno il 27 Cara moglie o ricevuto tua lettera il 26 e te ne o spedito una anchio adesso come tu vedi! Siamo al 27 Sono le 10 doppo mezza notte, sono qua al tavolino scrivendoti e penzando a voi, i malati dormono tutti e li e la vicina pero chi anche dormirebbe in pace fin qua! [Illegible] fare vedervi dormire la una accanto all [illegible] Basta; questa settimana non posso dormiré [grande]! [Illegible] a letto all 9 e mi alzo alla mezza note; allora fa che dormo una ora per notte; ma posso dormire di giorno se o sonno? Basta ricevutte care [illegible] [illegible] [illegible] i sinceri bacci che vi mando di amore addio scrivo anche a mamma e [illegible] ciao
[Handwriting] Alla Signora Giordano Elisa [illegible] Ricca Luserna San Giovanni Prov di Torino - Read Translation
[Postmark] Italian Red Cross War Hospital No. 60 [illegible]
[Illegible postmark]
[Handwriting] June 27 Dear wife I received your letter on the 26th and I've also sent you one now as you see! It's the 27th, 10 after midnight, I'm here at the table writing and thinking about you, nearby are all of the sick sleeping here and there. But who would be able to sleep in peace over here! [Illegible] to see sleep next to [illegible] Anyway, this week I haven't been able to get a lot of sleep! [Illegible] to bed at 9 and get up at midnight, but I can sleep during the day if I'm sleepy. Anyway, sending you warm [illegible] [illegible] [illegible] and loving kisses, goodbye. I'll also write to mom and [illegible] bye.
[Handwriting] Mrs. Giordano Elisa [illegible] Ricca Luserna St. John Province of Turin