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The nurse portrayed as comforting supporter, assists an elderly patient, ca. 1910
National Library of Medicine

Archetypes , Hospital NursingPublisher:
Union of Nurses of St. Camillus Hospital, Milan, Italy
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Le infermiere religiose camilliane hanno per loro scopo la più perfetta assistenza per qualunque sorta di ammalati.
Unione Infermiere "San Camillo" Via Boscovich, 30 – Milano.
Grafiche A. L. M. A. Milano via a binda, 10 - Read Translation
The Camillian nurses are dedicated to the impeccable care of the sick.
Union Nurses "St. Camillus" Boscovich Street, no. 30 - Milan.
A. L. M. A. Graphics Milan A. Binda Street, no. 10