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Da sola s'apre il varco (By herself she pushes through), 1935
National Library of Medicine

Community Health NursesCreator:
Marcello Dudovich (1878–1962)Publisher:
Italian Fascist National Federation for the Fight Against Tuberculosis, Rome
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Alle fonti della umana miseria Da sola s'apre il varco: da sola tocca la mèta.
Federazione Italiana Nazionale Fascista per la lotta contro la tubercolosi
Serie "La messaggera della salute" Edizioni d'Arte "Fauno" Roma
Proprietà artistica-Riproduz. Interdetta - Read Translation
At the roots of human misery By herself she pushes through: by herself she reaches the goal.
Italian Fascist National Federation for the Fight Against Tuberculosis
Series "The messenger of health" Art Edition "Fauno" Rome
Artistic property-Rights Reserved