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Non mai piegata dall'aspra fatica (Never beaten by the bitter struggle), 1935
National Library of Medicine

Community Health NursesCreator:
Marcello Dudovich (1878–1962)Publisher:
Italian Fascist National Federation for the Fight Against Tuberculosis, Rome
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Non mai piegata dall'aspra fatica
Dove i miasmi avvelenano la vita.
Federazione Italiana Nazionale Fascista per la lotta contro la tubercolosi
Serie "La messaggera della salute" Edizioni d'Arte "Fauno" Roma
Proprietà artistica-Riproduz. Interdetta - Read Translation
Never bent from the bitter struggle
Where miasmas are poisoning life.
Italian Fascist National Federation for the Fight Against Tuberculosis
Series "The messenger of health" Art Edition "Fauno" Rome
Artistic property-Rights Reserved