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A World War I anti-German propaganda postcard denouncing the death of British nurse Edith Cavell, 1915
National Library of Medicine

Archetypes , Famous Nurses , PatriotismCreator:
Tito Corbella (1885–1966)Publisher:
Inter-Art Co., London
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Post Card
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La "Kultur" exalte ses propres horreurs, De moord van Miss Cavell is eene begeestering voor Kultur's gemoed. L'assasino inspira la "Kultur."
Printed by Inter-Art Co., Red Lion Square, London, W. C. British Manufacture Throughout. - Read Translation
Post Card
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[from French] The "Culture" exalts its own horrors. [from Dutch] The murder of Miss Cavell is an inspiration for Culture. [from Italian] The murder inspired "Culture"
Printed by Inter-Art Co., Red Lion Square, London, W. C. British Manufacture Throughout.