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The nurse portrayed as pure protecting mother, Czechoslovakia (today Czech Republic), ca. 1943
National Library of Medicine

Alphonse Mucha (1860–1939)Publisher:
Czech Heart National Relief Society
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[Stamp] Deutsches Reich 60 Böhmen und Mähren Cechy a Morava
[Illegible postmark]
České Srdce národní pomocné sdružení
Praha II., Havlíčkovo nám. 34 Čislo telefonu 7835
Politika, Praha
[Handwriting] 8-6-1943 Děkujeme za vzpomínku. U nás beží život stejným tempem dále. Prodávám více mléka jak jindy, byly totiž zrušeny prodyjny na Karlově. Samé statistiky. Odejde asi v brzku zase něco mla- dých. Obcas nekdo prijde na dovolenou, cě- kám, ze Vás take brzy uvidíme. Ptají se cásto po Vás v Krámě, kde jste, jak se Vám daři. Však to vic se musi vydrzet a víra dává sílu. Člověk také často vzpomínal na domov v cizině. Nám zde čas leti, Vám asi se vleče. Ende gut, alles gut, rikají Němci. Zdvavime Vás vsichni srdecně a prejeme zdravi a silu. Frant. a Jos. Slapalovi
[Handwriting] Herr Vlastimil Holub Lager Restaurant Kahlenberg Mülheim Ruhr Deutschland - Read Translation
[Stamp] German Empire 60 [from German] Bohemia and Moravia [from Czech] Bohemia and Moravia
[Illegible postmark]
Czech Heart national relief society
Praugue II., Havlíčkovo Street no. 34 Telephone 7835.
Politics, Prague
[Handwriting] June 8, 1943 Thank you very much for remembering us. Our life is getting along in the same pace as before. I am selling more milk than before since there were some stores closed at Karlov. All statistics. Probably more young people will be leaving soon, again. Here and there someone comes home for a break. We are hoping to see you soon, too. In the store, they are asking often about you, where you are and how you are doing. One has to withstand all this and just one's faith can make one strong. One also remembers his home more often when in foreign lands. For us, time is flying, for you it is probably just dragging along. If the end is good, all is good, as Germans say. We all are sending you our warmest regards and wishing you good health and lots of strength. Frant. and Jos. Slapalovi.
[Handwriting] Mr. Vlastimil Holub Camp Restaurant Kahlenberg Mülheim Ruhr Germany