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A greeting card from Sokol Hospital showing a nurse and doctor tending to a soldier, Czechoslovakia (today Czech Republic), 1919

National Library of Medicine

Back of postcard has section for handwritten note.
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    Dopisnice Z Lazaretu Sokolského
    [Stamp]Posta Cesko Slovenska 10
    [Postmark] Žižkov 19 IV. 19-2
    Nákladem České Obce Sokolské-Tískem Dr. Ed. Grégra a syna v Praze.
    [Handwriting] Mily br. starosta! Prozatimně (illegible) dám svul přijezd k Vám neb dodovolená o kterou jsem zádal, nebyla mně poskytnuta a tim I slu- zěbní cesta ku bratrim vedoucím není možna.
    Jest to jen měsic, tak se již (illegible) "Na zdar" [J Kransky]
    [Handwriting] Br. Starosta L. Zemanek Nove Holice U Pardubic

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    Postcard From Sokol hospital
    [Stamp] Czechoslovakian Post 10
    [Postmark] Zizkov 19 IV. 19-2
    Published by the Czech Sokol Organization-Printed by Dr. Ed. Grégr and son in Prague.
    [Handwriting] Dear Brother President. As of present I am letting you know that my request for my vacation to visit you as well as the superior brothers was denied and thus my visit is not possible. It is still a month time left, so I will be in touch. With greetings, [J. Kransky]
    [Handwriting] Brother President L. Zemanek New Holice near Pardubice
