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A representation of a nurse writing a letter for a wounded soldier, ca. 1916
National Library of Medicine

Archetypes , Hospital Nursing , Military NursingCreator:
W. W. WérestchaguinePublisher:
Yevgeniya Convent, Russia
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Открытое письмо. Carte Postale
[Stamp] 3 3 Почтовая марка, Три коп. 3 3
[Postmark] 13 [illegible]
[Postmark] 11 19-05 [illegible]
[Illegible postmark]
Въ Поль зуобщины св. Евгеніи.
Мѣсто для письма.
Мѣсто для адреса.
Т-во Голике и Вильборгъ.
[Illegible handwriting]
[Handwriting] Г. Кострома Губернский Земская больница Е.В. Елене Степановна Крюковой - Read Translation
[from Russian] Open Letter [from French] Post Card
[Stamp]3 3 Postal stamp 3 kopecks 3 3
[Postmark] 13 [illegible]
[Postmark] 11 19-05 [ illegible]
[Illegible postmark]
To the benefit of the Convent of Yevgeniya.
Place for letter.
Place for address.
Partnership of Golike and Vilborg.
[Illegible handwriting]
[Handwriting] City of Kostroma Gubernian Zemstvo's Hospital