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An image of a nurse is used in an advertisement to endorse a manufacturer's medical bandages, ca. 1910
National Library of Medicine

Advertising , UniformsPublisher:
United Factories of Rubber and Dressing, Seville, Spain
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Productos marcas
"Caracol" caucho, ebonita, industria, garage
"Cadena" juguetería, sport, tocador, bazar
"La Hermana" apósitos, cirugía, ortopedia, higiene
"Madame X" corsetería, camisería, novedades, zapaterías.
En breve pasará a visitarle nuestro viajante. – Lleva novedades y precios de Fábrica. – Resérvenos sus pedidos. – Agrecidos le saludan
Sevilla Francos, 21
Fábricas Reunidas de Caucho y Apósitos, S. A.
Mod. 7.281 - 20.000 - 5-28 - Read Translation
Brand Products
"Snail" Rubber, Ebonite, Industry, Garage
"Chain" Toys, Sports, Boudoir, Bazaar
"The nun" Dressing, Surgery, Orthopedics, Hygiene
"Madam X" Corsetry, Shirt making, Novelties, Shoe making
Printed item
Shortly our traveling agent will visit you. – The agent carries novelties and manufacturing prices. – Reserve your orders. –Grateful regards
Seville Francos Street, no. 21
United Factories of Rubber and Dressing, Plc.
Mod. 7.281-20.000-5-28