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An illustration of corpsmen bringing a wounded soldier to a nurse portrayed as a pure healing presence, ca. 1916
National Library of Medicine

Archetypes , Military NursingCreator:
Anton Hoffmann (1863–1938)Publisher:
Josef Müller Art Institute, Munich
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[Stamp] 7 1/2 P Bayern
[Illegible postmark]
Zum 50 jährigen Jubiläum des Bayerischen Landeshilfsvereines vom Roten Kreuz.
Offizielle Postkarte
Kunstanstalten Josef Müller, München
Original von Anton Hoffmann.
[Illegible handwriting]
[Handwriting] Fräulein. Rosa Birner. Berching. Olgf. Tijementiverke - Read Translation
[Stamp] 7 1/2 P Bavaria
[Illegible postmark]
For the 50th anniversary of the Bavarian Auxiliary Association of the Red Cross.
Official Postcard
Josef Müller Art Institute, Munich
Original by Anton Hoffmann.
[Illegible handwriting]
[Handwriting] Miss. Rosa Birner. Berching. Olgf. Tijementiverke