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A song postcard showing girls dressed as nurses tending to a young boy patient, ca. 1910
National Library of Medicine

Playing Games , Popular CulturePublisher:
M. Barre & J. Dayez Publishing, Paris
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[Stamp area] M. Barne & J. Doyez Édit., Paris C. O. L. 30.0037 Dépôt Légal 1945-2 No. 560
Les Rondes Enfantines
Compère Guilleri
I Il était un p'tit homme Qui sapp'lait t Guilleri, Carabi, Il s'en fut à la chasse, A la chasse aux perdrix Carabi, titi Carabi, &...
II Il s'en fut à la chasse, A la chasse aux perdrix, Carabi, Il monta sur un arbre Pour voir ses chiens couri, Carabi, titi Carabi, &...
III Il monta sur un arbre, Pour voir ses chiens couri, Carabi, La branche vint á rompre, Et Guilleri tombit, Carabi, titi Carabi &…
IV La branche vint á rompre, Et Guilleri tombit, Carabi, Il se cassa la jambe Et le bras se démit, Carabi, titi Carabi &…
V Il se cassa la jambe, Et le bras se démit, Carabi, Les dam's de l'hopital, Sont arrivées au bruit, Carabi, titi Carabi &…
VI Les dam's de l'hopital, Sont arrivées au bruit, Carabi, L'une apporte un emplâtre, L'autre de la charpie, Carabi, titi Carabi &…
VII On lui banda la jambe Et le bras lui remit, Carabi; Pour remercier cesdames Guilleri les embrassit Carabi, titi Carabi &…
Imprimé en France
[Trademark] B D 1385 A - Read Translation
[Stamp area] M. Barne & J. Doyez Editors, Paris C. O. L. 30.0037 Legal Deposit 1945-2 No. 560
Children's Songs
Buddy Guilleri
I There was a small man called Guilleri Carabi, He went off to hunt, to go hunting partridges, Titi Carabi.
II He went off to hunt, to go hunting partridges, Carabi, he climbed up on a tree to see his dogs run, Titi Carabi III he climbed up on a tree to see his dogs run, Carabi, The branch snapped, Guilleri fell, Carabi, Titi Carabi
IV The branch snapped, Guilleri fell, Carabi, he broke his leg, his arm was dislocated, Carabi, Titi Carabi
V He broke his leg, his arm was dislocated, Carabi, The ladies from the hospital, came over to the sound, Carabi, Titi Carabi.
VI The ladies from the hospital, came over to the sound, Carabi, One brought plaster, the other brought rags, Carabi, Titi Carabi.
VII He had his leg bandaged, and his arm put back in the socket, Carabi, to thank those ladies, Guilleri hugged them, Carabi, Titi Carabi.
Printed in France
[Trademark] B D 1385 A