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Per i feriti in Guerra (For the wounded in war), ca. 1915

National Library of Medicine

Back of postcard has section for handwritten note.
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    Cartolina Ricordo Per I feriti in guerra
    Nella triste corsia dell'Ospedale, in mezzo al duol ch'ovunque si diffonde, veglia la buona dama al capezzale col volto lieto che'l cordoglio asconde, e con intensa, soavissima premura reca al ferito la prescritta cura.
    Luigi Fioroni Milano.

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    Remembrance Postcard For the wounded in war
    In the sad hospital room, in the midst of pain that spreads everywhere, the good lady watches by the bedside with a happy face that hides her sorrow, and with intense, very delicate attention, carries to the wounded the prescribed care.
    Luigi Fioroni Milan.
