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Mission nurses at a dispensary prepare to treat a teenager, Toma, Upper Volta (today Burkina Faso), early 20th century

National Library of Medicine

Two White nun nurses and an African male assistant tend to an African boy as another boy looks on.
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    G. L. Arlaud, Lyon, France
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    Soudan Français et Haute-Volta (A. O. F.)
    Haute-Volta-A la porte du dispensaire de Toma-La Soeur infirmiere se dispose à extraire un ver de Guinée infectant la jambe d'un juene négre

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    French Sudan and Upper Volta (A. O. F.)
    Upper-Volta-At the door of the Toma dispensary-A nursing Nun is preparing to extract a Guinea Worm from the infected leg of a young negro
