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A promotional postcard for a missionary organization, which ran free mobile health clinics in the Middle East, Bethlehem, Jordan (today State of Palestine), 1950s
National Library of Medicine

Colonialism , Community Health Nurses , Nursing CareersPublisher:
Holy Land Christian Approach Mission Inc., Kansas City, MO
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Post Card
[Stamp] 12 Fils The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Postage Postage 12 Fils
The Christian Approach Mission operates a free Mobile Medical Clinic and Ambulance with medical personnel offering free service to the sick and needy throughout the country.
The Holy Land Christian Approach Mission, Inc. 2000 Linwood Blvd. P. O. Box 55 Kansas City, Missouri Interdenominational-Maintaining an Orphan Home-Crippled Children's Home-3 Free Medical Clinics-Aid to Lepers-Extensive Refugee Aid-General Mission Activities Orphan Home Medical Clinics Schools Refugee Aid
The Holy Land Christian Approach Mission - Bethlehem American Hdq. - P. O. Box 55, Kansas City, Missouri
[Handwriting] Can hardly Believe I am in Bethlehem for 10 days Everything fine so far Sure traveling over this Area Best Wishes to all As ever Ben H and Hariett [Illegible]
[Handwriting] Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sheitzer Grantville Pa