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Huns bomb red cross hospitals, war bond drive features an illustration of a Red Cross nurse shielding her patient, ca. 1918

National Library of Medicine

A White female nurse leans over to protect a White male patient in bed from an exploding shell.
  • Topic:

  • Creator:

    George W. Lawler
  • Publisher:

    Liberty Loan Committee of New England, Boston, MA
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    Liberty Bonds Guarantee Protection for Red Cross
    [Signature] Geo W. Lawler
    Huns bomb red cross hospitals
    Your thoughts turn to our girls "over there" doing the tender work of the nurse, when you hear of bombs bursting in hospitals immune from attack under international law. You will make every sacrifice to shield the hospital from brutality. Cut out every needless expense and invest with the Government. Save to buy.
    Buy liberty bonds to keep
    Liberty Loan Committee of New England
