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A private duty nurse company advertisement which highlights the experience, reliability, and professional behavior of its nurses, ca. 1893
National Library of Medicine

Advertising , Private NursesPublisher:
"Alpha" Male & Female Nurses', Dressers' and Masseurs' Agency, San Francisco, CA
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Please keep this card: You or your friends are at any time liable to be taken sick and need an experienced nurse.
The object of this Agency has been to obtain reputable and competent nurses of the intelligent standard requisite for family practice, segregating the good from the indifferent in a just and impartial manner, grading the former, and pushing the most apt, according to their ability and training and satisfaction given to patrons. For the results, the proprietor, who himself has had nearly 9 yrs. private experience, respectfully refers you to any leading physician or surgeon of your acquaintance in this city; suffice to say that he now furnishes employment to over two hundred picked people, whereas in the beginning, less than four years ago, he had not sufficient for twelve. Any further information concerning it will be cheerfully given at the Main Office, where all letters or complaints should also be addressed.
F. E. Goodban. Proprietor.
The Main Office, Van Ness near Post, S. F.
"Alpha" Male & Female Nurses', Dressers' and Masseur' Agency, (Established July 1889, Registered at Sacramento, February, 1892.)
Main Office, 1117 Van Ness Ave., near Post, S. F., Cal. Long Distance Telephone 2579. Branches: 33 Grant Ave. (open all night) 434 Sutter, 340 Geary, 1113 & 2000 Market Sts. San Francisco; cor. Seventh & Market and 1201 Broadway Sts., Oakland; B & Second Ave., San Mateo; Fourth & K Sts., Sacramento; 248 Main St., Stockton: E. Santa Clara & Second Sts., San Jose; 40 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz; Fourth & C Sts., San Rafael; Park St. & Santa Clara Ave., Alameda; and Center & Shattuck Sts., Berkeley.
Experienced and reliable Male or Female Professional Nurses (with or without diplomas), Dressers or Masseurs furnished for every kind of disease, at Any Hour of the Day or Night, to all parts of the city or country. No Fee Charged for Furnishing Them. Over Two Hundred Picked Nurses of all ages, religions, nationalities and training (from the best hospitals in America and Europe) on its list. N. B.-No attention should be paid to nurses who state that they are members of this Agency, unless endorsed at the Main Office, as many represent themselves as such, whose applications have not been received, or whose names through some fault on their part have been removed from this list.
Invalid goods for sale.