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A fundraising card for the Frontier Nursing Service features a nurse tending to and giving advice to a mother, 1945
National Library of Medicine

Children's Nurses , Community Health Nurses , Nursing CareersPublisher:
Frontier Nursing Service, Lexington, KY
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[Stamp] United States postage George Washington 1732–1797 1 cent 1
[Postmark] Hyden KY Jun 14 4 PM 1945
Return Postage Guaranteed
What You Can Do For Women In War
For $10.00 you can give complete care to a cabin mother in childbirth (including the Frontier nurse-midwife's time, her horse's time, and her supplies)-For only $5.00 you can give the indispensable supplies in the nurse-midwife's saddlebags.
Please forgive this inexpensive form of reminder-Encourage us to save paper and postage-Return this card with your check (which is deductible from your income tax) to The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Security Trust Co., Lexington 15, Kentucky. Yours gratefully C. N. Manning, Treasurer Mary Breckinridge, Director
June, 1945
[Handwriting] Mr. and Mrs. Allen Treadway 2490 Tracy Place Washington 8, D. C. [illegible]