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An advertisement for study guide materials for certification tests to convert a registered nurse (RN) degree to a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN), 1990s
National Library of Medicine

Nursing CareersPublisher:
Nursing Knowledge Inc., Metairie, LA
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[Stamp] Presort First Class U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 1273 NOLA
[Trademark] N K Nursing Knowledge Inc. 2540 Severn Ave. Suite 206, Metairie, MA 70002
Beginning in 1998, ANCC certification exams will require a minimum BSN, Other changes are also on the way for certification exams in medical-surgical, gerontology, critical care, and emergency nursing. Put those letters after your name-while you are still certifiable!
Certified nurses are still in demand!
Call toll-free 1-800-386-1993 for a free handy guide to RN certification exams and a catalog of study materials [illegible] tapes, and preparation program [illegible] without C.E. credit. All from [illegible] expert in certification [illegible] preparation: Nancy Townsend. Call or return this card in stamped [illegible] to Nursing Knowledge, Inc. 2540 Severn Ave., Suite 206, Metairie, LA 70002. Attn: Nancy Townsend, R.N.C., M.N., CCRN, CS