Have you heard the new radio program of the Sunbrite Junior Nurse Corps? It's the "Story of Sa-ca-ja-wea"-the young Indian Princess who led the Lewis and Clark Expedition through the wilderness! Don't miss any of it! Beautiful Junior Nurse uniforms-First Aid Kits! Be sure to listen every day.
Dorothy Hart National President of the Sunbrite Junior Nurse Corps
Sa-ca-ja-wea Indian Princess Heroine of the Junior Nurse Story.
You can become a Junior Nurse right away so you won't miss any of the fun! Just take the orange and blue label from a can of Sunbrite Cleanser, write your name and address on the back of it and mail it to Dorothy Hart, Sunbrite, Chicago. Then Dorothy will send you a real parchment membership scroll with your name on it and a free Junior Nurse Manual, and the official catalog of equipment. Join now!
You can hear Dorothy Hart and the "Adventures of Sa-ca-ja-wea" over this station: WLW-5:00 P. M.-E. S.T.