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The nurse portrayed as patriotic supporter of democracy in an advertisement for sliding doors, 1918

National Library of Medicine

Back of postcard has section for handwritten note.
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    The Spirit of Democracy
    As the uniform pictured on this card reflects the fine instincts and high ideals embodied in the Golden Rule and the character of the Good Samaritan;
    As the uniform of the American soldier typifies dauntless valor;
    As the unsheathed sword of Uncle Sam symbolizes his determination to exterminate the spirit of opposition to the principles of liberty and world democracy.
    [Trademark] Richards-Wilcox R-W Co. Aurora Trademark
    So, in its own sphere, the emblem of the R-W line has come to symbolize the best service which conscientious endeavor places at the disposal of those who require
    Sliding Door Equipment for Garages, Residences, Barns, Warehouses, Schools Churches, Fire Door Hardware and Fire Doors, Elevator Door Fixtures, Overhead Carrying Systems.
    Quick-acting Woodworking Vises, Door Checks and Hinges, Door Openers and Closers, Store Ladders and Shelves, Hardware Specialties, Mounted Grindstones.
    Richards-Wilcox Manufacturing Co. Aurora, Illinois, U. S. A.
    "A Hanger for Any Door That Slides"
