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A nursing recruitment postcard, 1999

National Library of Medicine

Back of postcard has section for handwritten note.
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    [Postmark] [Illegible] Md Apr 9 99 U. S. Postage 0.20
    Immediate Openings In A Variety Of Nursing Specialties
    Generous Sign-On Bonus!
    Suburban Hospital Healthcare System is a community-based, not-for-profit organization dedicated to maintaining and improving the health and well-being of the people of Montgomery County, Maryland, and the surrounding areas. By linking with some of the region's most respected health care providers, including Johns Hopkins Medicine, we are achieving our goals. In addition to competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits, Suburban Hospital offers a unique gain-sharing program whereby employees share in our success. Take the first step, send your resume to: Suburban Hospital, 8600 Old Georgetown Rd., Bethesda, MD 20814, Attn: HR; Fax: (301) 897-1339; Phone: (301) 896-3830
    Suburban Hospital Healthcare System A healthier outlook for your career.
