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Una voce dolce, una mano lieva (A sweet voice, a gentle hand), 1935
National Library of Medicine

Archetypes , Hospital Nursing , UniformsCreator:
Marcello Dudovich (1878–1962)Publisher:
Italian Fascist National Federation for the Fight Against Tuberculosis, Rome
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Una voce dolce, una mano lieva Dove si fissa del male la genesi, la diagnosi, la sorte.
Federazione Italiana Nazionale Fascista per la Lotta Contro la Tubercolosi
Serie "La Messaggera della salute." Edizioni d'Arte "Fauno" Roma
Proprietà artistica-Riproduz. interdetta - Read Translation
A sweet voice, a gentle hand
Where the cause of an ailment, the diagnosis, and the cure.
Italian Fascist National Federation for the Fight Against Tuberculosis
Series "The messenger of health" Art Edition "Fauno" Rome
Artistic property-Rights Reserved