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The nurse portrayed as comforting beauty, 1916
National Library of Medicine

Military Nursing , PatriotismCreator:
Nini RofsiPublisher:
Italian Army
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Posto di Ristoro – Bologna
[Stamp] Poste Italiane 5 Centisimi 5
[Postmark] Bologna Ferrovia 13-14 30 VIII 1916
Omaggio degli Stabilimenti Poligrafici Riuniti, Editori del Giornale IL Resto Del Carlino - Bologna
[Illegible handwriting] - Read Translation
Rest Stop – Bologna
[Stamp] Italian Post 5 Cents 5
[Postmark] Bologna Railroad 13-14 30 VIII 1916
In honor of the Establishment of Polygraphic Reunited, Editors of the newspaper Il Resto del Carlino - Bologna
[Illegible handwriting]