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Nurses: In Advertising

What do we see when we look closely?

Examine this 1930s Art Deco image of a nurse validating a new medical product designed to appeal to the upper echelons of Italian society, a group who appreciated Italy's medico-scientific achievements.
Roll over different areas of the postcard to discover answers to the questions below.

    • Q1What associations between the image of the blindfolded person and the product does the representation of the nurse suggest?
    • A1The nurse's image reassures us that the product is medically recommended to help people with eye problems.
    • Q2Can you find a link between the product and the image of the nurse?
    • A2The presentation of the product, in a bottle with a pipette, suggests that it is used by the nursing profession.
    • Q3Can you spot the name of the manufacturer?
    • A3Tubilux, the name of the Italian pharmaceutical company that makes the product, is visualized as a wax seal, implying tradition, trust, and authority.
The heads of both a White female nurse and person with bandage over eyes next to bottle.

An advertisement for a brand of saline eye drops, mid-20th century

  • 1What associations between the image of the blindfolded person and the product does the representation of the nurse suggest?
  • 2Can you find a link between the product and the image of the nurse?
  • 3Can you spot the name of the manufacturer?
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