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Paracelsus, five hundred years: three American exhibits, 1993

This booklet combines highlights from three institutions' celebrations of the 500th birthday of Paracelsus (1493–1541): the National Library of Medicine, the Hahnemann University Library, and Washington University School of Medicine. Paracelsus, five hundred years gives a biography of the Renaissance physician whose many contributions include establishing the role of chemistry in medicine; and discusses the legacy of his work. In Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus (1818), Victor Frankenstein apprentices himself to Professor Waldheim, who praises both Paracelsus and Agrippa (1486–1535) as "men whose indefatigable zeal provided the foundation of modern knowledge."

Courtesy National Library of Medicine

Cover of a book.
  • Topic:

  • Creator:

    National Library of Medicine,
    Hahnemann University Library,
    Washington University School of Medicine