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A reproduction of a pharmaceutical advertisement for skin treatments showing the story of St. Roch being healed by a dog and angel, ca. 1990
National Library of Medicine

Advertising , ArchetypesPublisher:
Museum of Pharmacy and Medicine, Spain
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La dermatología en el arte
San Roque atacado de peste, fué alimentado con pan por un perro y cuidado por un ángel
Serie C. no. 9
Colección de 9 postales
Museo de Farmacia y Medicina retrospectivas de Laboratorios del Norte de España, S. A. - Read Translation
Dermatology in art
St. Roch afflicted with plague, was fed bread by a dog and cared for by an angel
Series C no. 9
Collection of 9 postcards
Museum of Pharmacy and Medicine retrospective of Northern Spain Laboratories, Ltd.