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A reproduction of a pharmaceutical advertisement for skin treatments showing the story of St. Roch being healed by a dog and angel, ca. 1990
National Library of Medicine

Advertising , ArchetypesPublisher:
Museum of Pharmacy and Medicine, Spain
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Laboratorios del Norte de España, S. A. Especialidades Cusi Masnou, Barcelona
Preparadores: Dtr. J. Cusí, y Dr. R. Cusí, farmacéuticos.
La dermosa Cusí Clorazín, por el poder estimulante de la cloramina sobre los tejidos, se recomienda preferentemente para el tratamiento de abscesos desbridados, alteraciones de la piel de carácter infeccioso, chancros venéreos, quemaduras, úlceras fungosas, tórpidas, infectadas, por decúbito.
Dermosa Cusí Clorazín
L.G. Viladot SL Barcelona - Read Translation
Northern Spain Laboratories, Ltd. Cusi Specialties Masnou, Barcelona
Preparers: Director J. Cusí and Dr. R. Cusí, pharmacists.
Dermosa Cusí Clorazin, because of the stimulating power of chloramine over the tissues, is recommended preferably for the treatment of debrided abscesses, infection-like skin changes, venereal canker sores, burns, fungal, torpid, infected ulcers, or sores due to sleeping position.
Dermosa Cusí Clorazin
L.G. Viladot Ltd. Barcelona