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A promotional card for a working women's maternity fund, 1920s

National Library of Medicine

Back of postcard has section for handwritten note.
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    Institute of the Working Woman, Spain
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    Caja de Pensiones para la Vejez y de Ahorros obra de Acción Social Femenina
    Edición Castellana
    Núm. 28
    La madre amamanta a su hijo, cumpliendo un sagrado deber que la maternidad impone. La Caja de Pensiones para la Vejez y de Ahorros, por mediación de la obra maternal su Instituto de la Mujer que Trabaja, al llegar la madre obrera a la hora sublime de la maternidad, la rodes de solicitudes, inspiradas por el amor que informa su obra humanitaria.

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    Retirement Pension and Savings Fund Labor of Women's Social Action
    Spanish Edition
    No. 28
    The mother nurses her son, fulfilling a sacred duty that the maternity instills. The Retirement Pension and Savings Fund, for mediation of the maternal care, your Institute of the Working Woman, upon the working woman's arriving at the sublime hour of maternity, surrounds her with care inspired by the love of its humanitarian work.
