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The nurse portrayed as comforting presence supports a wounded French colonial soldier, 1915
National Library of Medicine

Colonialism , Military Nursing , UniformsCreator:
M. OrangePublisher:
French Association of Ladies (ADF), Paris
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Croix Rouge et tête noire, deux coeurs d'or. Red Cross and Black Head, two hearts of gold. Двa зoлoтыxъ cepдцa.
[Signature] M. Orange 1915
Pinx. M. Orange. M. Opaнжъ.
Visé Paris 2342. I. M. L. - Read Translation
[from French] Red Cross and black head, two hearts of gold. [from Russian] Two golden hearts.
[Signature] M. Orange 1915
Painted by M. Orange. M. Orange.
Printed in Paris 2342. I. M. L.