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A promotional postcard for the Red Cross training hospital in Algiers which had 80 nursing students and saw over 100,000 patients a year, ca. 1954
National Library of Medicine

Nursing Careers , RecruitingCreator:
French Red Cross, Algiers Chapter
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اننا اخوة أجمعون Tous Frères اننا اخوة أجمعون
[Postmark] Algérie Croix-Rouge Française Alger 30 54 Premier Jour
[Signature] Andre-Spitz
[Trademark] F R
Postes Algerie Postes
Tous droits de reproduction réservés
Éditée par la Croix-Rouge Française en Algérie Dispensaire-École, Boulevard de Verdun (Alger)
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[from Arabic] We are all brothers [from French] All Brothers
[Postmark] French Red Cross Algeria Algiers 30 54 First Day
12 cents +3 cents
[Signature] Andre-Spitz
[Trademark] F R
Algerian Post
All rights reserved
Published by the French Red-Cross in Algeria Dispensary School, Boulevard of Verdun (Algiers)