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A promotional postcard for the Red Cross training hospital in Algiers which had 80 nursing students and saw over 100,000 patients a year, ca. 1954
National Library of Medicine

Nursing Careers , RecruitingCreator:
French Red Cross, Algiers Chapter
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Inter Arma Caritas Croix Rouge Francaise Algérie
Croix-Rouge Française en Algérie 30 X 54
Dispensaire- École du Boulevard de Verdun, à Alger, fondé le 24 Mai 1923.
Année 1953[:] soins 155.205; consultations 20.750; élèves 80
Imp. Baconnier-Alger - Read Translation
In War Charity French Red Cross in Algeria
French Red Cross in Algeria October 30 1954
Dispensary School on the Boulevard of Verdun, in Algiers, founded May 24, 1923.
For the year 1953[:] care 155,205; consultation 20,750; students 80
Printed by Baconnier-Algiers