BROWSE these letters, papers, photographs, and other materials.
"1846–1958 Digest of Official Actions, American...
1961 program with certain hospitals providing a...
"1963–1964 Chicago area Negro medical students,...
1977 Rudolf Schindler Award, presentation by Angelo...
"2 honored for service to blacks," Chicago Tribune
"3rd World Congress of Gastroenterology Congress...
9000 black in Muncie, Indiana…no business...boycott...
Acceptance speech by Leonidas H. Berry on receipt of...
A complete bibliography of every publication related...
Affidavit of Matilda Sims, former widow of Samuel...
Affidavit of Nicholas C. Hightower Jr., MD, PhD on...
Affidavit of Polly Carr regarding claim for pension...
Agenda for Chicago Commission on Human Relations...
Agenda for Health Committee Meeting, Chicago...
Agenda for Health Committee meeting on October 16,...
Agenda for the Joint Conference between the Liaison...
Agenda, Health Committee meeting, January 24, 1962
Agenda, Health Committee Meeting, March 8, 1961
Agenda, joint meeting, Chicago Medical Society and...
Agenda, meeting of Chicago area medical students,...
Agenda Wednesday
AMA education loan program and handwritten notes...
AME Church Health Commission Quadrennial Report
American College of Gastroenterology certificate of...
American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy...
"An artist"
Announcement card for a symposium on the history of...
Annual meeting minutes of the Board of Governors of...
Annual report, Chicago Commission on Human Relations
"A statement presented before the committee to study...
A task force conference on health for the poor and...
"Beulah A. Berry," biographical information about...
Bill to Dr. L. H. Berry, MD, Narcotics Clinic-State...
Biographical sketch: Charles Enlow Koen
Biographical story about Ruth Brooks Traynham, a...
Book jacket reviews from the press, historians, and...
Boston, final composition, story of Rev. Llewellyn...
Business card from Irving H. Sokoloff, parole...
Cablegram message from the US Information Agency in...
Call for abstracts from Vernon M. Smith,...
Certificate of appreciation for outstanding service
Certificate of appreciation from the Chicago Medical...
Certificate of appreciation to Berry from the...
Certificate of dropped pensioner John Berry; John...
Certificate of military service for Samuel Jenifer
Certificate of search record of births, death, and...
Chapter 5, Constitutional Committees of the Board of...
Chapter VII St. James Church, South Norfolk
Check list for inventory of hospital practices...
Chicago Commission on Human Relations Citizens...
Chicago Commission on Human Relations, resolution...
Chicago Commission on Human Relations, the Chicago...
Chicago fair housing ordinance
"Chicago Hospital Staff Appointments to Negro...
Chicago Medical Society Member Certificates for Dr....
Christmas greeting card from Joan Weaver stating...
Citizens Advisory Committee on Rehabilitation of...
City-wide conference "Solving the problems of...
Civil Rights Under Federal Programs, The Civil...
Commemoration certificate of the golden wedding of...
Comment about Professor Isodore Falk being the most...
"Comparison of Negro physician appointments in...
Completed form for Leonidas H. Barry's biographical...
Congratulations card to Dr. Berry from Hugh and...
Connectional humanitarian award presented to Dr....
Constitution and by-laws of the Chicago Society for...
Cook County Graduate School of Medicine, Division of...
Cook County Physicians' Association Inaugural...
Cook County Physicians' Association's annual...
Copy of Western Union Telegram from George D. Cannon...
Cover page of booklet for the opening session of the...
Curriculum vitae of Leonidas H. Berry
Data concerning a projection of a new hospital on...
Data on enrollment of African Americans in medical...
"Day before yesterday"
"Dear alumnus" letter from Frank B. Kelly Sr., MD,...
"Dear ASGE Member" announcing a special...
"Dear Friend" letter from Leon M. Despres, Alderman,...
Death certificate for John Berry; John Berry was...
Declaration by Matilda Jenifer for remarried widow's...
Declaration for pension by Samuel Jenifer
Deposition concerning proof of origin claim of John...
Deposition of Matilda Sims regarding a filed...
Description of Flying Black Medics clinic in Cairo,...
Description of proposed inaugural program, speakers,...
Description of the function of the Advisory Health...
Description of the wedding announcement given by...
Draft meeting minutes of Joint Liaison Committee,...
Draft of a letter about the gradualist approach to...
Draft of a proposed letter from the Cook County...
Draft of a supplemental budget, City Department of...
Draft of letter from Leonidas H. Berry to Mayor...
"Dr. Berry in pre-aid talk to needy," Chicago Daily...
Dr. Berry's notebook from the 3rd World Congress of...
Dr. Berry's notes on the efforts of the National...
"Dr. Leonidas Berry: Medical Pioneer" an exhibit of...
Dr. Leonidas H. Berry's lecture demonstration tours...
Early biographic data on Leonidas H. Berry and...
"Ebb Tide and the Happy Warrior," address delivered...
Equal Opportunity in Hospitals and Health...
Established and innovative proposals for extension...
Excerpts from a US House of Representatives Ways and...
File on application for membership to the National...
Form and data entered by Dr. Berry for the staff...
Fort Monroe Casemate Museum annual report
Functions and purposes of clinics for drug users
Further study: report on minority group physicians...
Gastroflex 51 (gastroscope flexible) manual
"God's own spider web" (poem)
"Greetings for those who could not come," remarks...
Guidelines for Compliance with Title VI of the Civil...
Handwritten list of names of applicants to the...
Handwritten notes for a speech
Handwritten notes on Commission on Human Relations
Handwritten notes related to the Chicago Commission...
Handwritten organizational chart for the AME Church...
Handwritten organizational chart of the suggested...
History of state police activity in Cairo, Illinois...
Honor Award presented to Leonidas H. Berry
Identify the needs…how..another grouping of topics
Illinois Department of Public Health, statement of...
Illinois General Assembly bills from 1957, including...
"Information regarding people at Kittrell with mom...
In memorium program for the late Dr. Llewellyn...
"In memory" (poem)
Invitation from the Juvenile Protective Association...
Invitation to a banquet in the Orangerie at the...
Invitation to a factory tour of the Compagnie...
Invitation to a reception at the Palais de Chaillot
Invitation to "Dr. Leonidas Berry: Medical Pioneer"...
Invitation to the 7th Pan-American...
"Is there an important role for Provident/Cook...
Ivème Congrès de L'Association des Sociétés...
Joint radiology seminar, radiography of the...
Joint statement American Medical Association and...
June monthly calendar page with notes written on it,...
"Kittrell notes continued," information about a...
Leonidas H. Berry, retired medical director, African...
Letter and story from sister Gladys to Dr. Leonidas...
Letter from Harry L. Parson, sales representative at...
Letter from John Berry to "sir" about his claim for...
Letter from Roland R. Cross, MD, director,...
Letter of appreciation to Dr. Leonidas H. Berry from...
Letter of commendation from Charles S. Spivey Jr.,...
"Life" (Poem)
List of commissioners Cook County, Illinois
List of deaths in Leonidas H. Berry's family, 1897-1966
List of marriages 1900-1926, including Leonidas H....
List of names and hospital affiliation
List of persons interviewed related to family...
List of Public Health Service regional compliance...
"Madeline E. Haydon, Artist: oil paintings, drawings"
Marriage certificate for Samuel Jenifer of Hampton,...
Medical Counseling Clinics patient referral form,...
"Medical pioneer's book traces his family's roots,"...
Meeting agenda, Board of Trustees, Cook County...
Meeting agenda for the Health Committee of the...
Meeting minutes, Health Committee meeting, Chicago...
Memo from Dr. Leonidas H. Berry to Dr. G. Howard...
Memo from Dr. L. H. Berry, coordinator, Narcotics...
Memo from Dr. M. Spelling, acting chair, Division of...
Memo from Leo E. Brown to NMA-AMA Liaison Committee,...
Memo from Leonidas H. Berry, chairman, and Susan R....
Memo from Leonidas H. Berry, chairman, Health...
Memo from Leonidas H. Berry, coordinator, Narcotic...
Memo from Leonidas H. Berry, coordinator, Narcotics...
Memo from Leonidas H. Berry, MD, coordinator,...
Memo from Leonidas H. Berry to Dr. G. Howard Gowen,...
Memo from Leonidas H. Berry to Dr. Irene Sherman,...
Memo from Leonidas H. Berry to James G. Haughton, MD
Memo from Leonidas H. Berry to James G. Haughton, MD,
Memo from Leonidas H. Berry to James G. Haughton, MD...
Memo from Leonidas H. Berry to James G. Haughton,...
Memo from Leonidas H. Berry to Mrs. Cloninger of the...
Memo from Leonidas H. Berry to Mrs. Hogard, Horder's...
Memo from Norris M. Proffitt, secretary, Executive...
Memo from the office of Bishop Frederick D. Jordan,...
Memo from William J. Silverman, director, Cook...
Memorandum from Charles Krop to Ripley Young...
Memorandum from health committee secretary,...
Memorandum from James E. Walker, MD and Mitchell W....
Memorandum from Leonidas H. Berry to James Z. Appel,...
Memories of Dr. Rudolf Schindler by Dr. Leonidas H....
Memo via telephone from Benjamin Boshes, MD,...
Menu, Compagnie Fermiere de Vichy, 18ème Congres...
Menu, Grill Room Chantecler, Hotel Carleton, France
Michael Reese Hospital daily census reports for...
Minutes, Committee on Health, Chicago Commission on...
Minutes from the Health Committee meeting on January...
Minutes of Health Committee Meeting, Chicago...
Minutes of July 1, 1964, meeting of Health...
Minutes of meeting of Committee on Membership...
Minutes of the Health Committee meeting, October 16,...
Minutes of the meeting of the Committee on...
Model for nondiscrimination policy at hospitals,...
Muncie, Indiana seems to have same problem, no Negro...
My challenge; recollection written by Llewellyn L....
Names and addresses of people living in Kittrell,...
National Archives report on pension application...
National Gastroenterological Association invitation...
National Medical Association convention badge
National Medical Association presidential greetings...
"Needs for improved hospital-community relations for...
"Negro births, deaths and population in Chicago...
"Negro births in Chicago hospitals providing...
"Negro deaths in Chicago hospitals"
"Negro physicians and medical students affiliated...
"Negro physicians holding medical staff appointments...
"Negro physicians on the faculties of Chicago...
Neighbor's affidavit concerning claimant John Berry;...
News clip about an event honoring Mrs. Beulah Berry,...
Newsletter from the Medical Committee for Human...
News release from the American Medical Association
News release, portion of a statement made by Dr....
"New strategy against drug addiction," reprint from...
NMA-AMA Liaison Committee meeting agenda
Note from Bea Du Fauchard (?) to Dr. Berry stating...
Note from Dr. Fernando Milanés, Coral Gables,...
Note from Ellen C. Shannon, assistant editor,...
Note from J. L. Neuman, MD to Dr. Leonidas H. Berry,...
Note from Leonidas H. Berry to Dr. Quinn saying he...
Note from Leonidas H. Berry to Dr. Reiss about...
Note from Leonidas H. Berry to reservations manager,...
Note from Leon "Jake" Jacobsen to Leonidas thanking...
Note from Mark E. Efrusy, DO to Dr. Berry saying he...
Note from Perry Hookman, MD, PA, Cheverly, Maryland,...
Note from Rudolf Schindler, MD, Long Beach,...
Note from Susan Campos, secretary, Advisory Health...
Notes about Emanuel Church script
Notes by Leonidas H. Berry on his trip to Africa in...
Notes, Dr. [?] What are the hospital and medical...
Notes for budgets, Narcotics Clinics Program
Notes for remarks at international workshop? "I...
Notes for remarks given by Leonidas H. Berry at...
Notes for speech on installation of officers of...
Notes on American Medical Association position on...
Notes on a social security conference
Notes on health committee briefing as chairman of...
Notes on Henry Harkins, Dr. Walter M. Booker,...
Notes on hospital bias case at St. Francis[?] in...
Notes on hospital compliance related to racial...
Notes on the Southside (Ida B. Wells) Clinic...
Notes on wording for certificate of honor to be...
Notes regarding the investigation for a physician...
Notes related to budget expenses for the narcotics...
Notes related to the Mayor's Commission on Human...
Notes, the Dr. with multiple hospital appointments
Notes written on a Wilberforce University Alumni...
Notice from Hal M. Freeman, coordinator, Housing and...
Notice from John W. Neal, executive administrator,...
Notice from William H. Harvey, chairman, Committee...
Notice of a meeting of the Flanner House...
Notice of first meeting of the year of the Health...
Notice of special meeting to discuss future...
Notice that due to inclement weather the special...
"Ode to a Classmate," eulogy for Dr. Paul Patchen...
Office of Equal Health Opportunity Workshops agenda...
Old Dominion Medical Society the President's...
"On cheese" (poem) by Judy Berry, Leonidas H....
Opening remarks about Dr. Berry at reception of...
Opening Remarks by Leonidas H. Berry at the luncheon...
Organizational chart of the suggested structure of...
"Our roots," a description of Berry's childhood...
Outlines for remarks at international workshop on...
Page 5, "what do you need?"
Page 7, Victory in the Civil War
Pamphlet with information about the origins and...
"Paul Patchen, MD '30 (1904-1985)" by Leonidas H....
Photocopy of offensive note found on the desk of...
Physician's service award to Dr. Leonidas Berry in...
Plan for extension of hospital care in the South...
"Pop's buddies," information about Llewellyn L....
"Position of the National Medical Association with...
Postcard from John Tomenius to Dr. L. Berry
Postcard from Vorheese D. B. Jamison, souvenir...
"Preliminary Remarks Projecting the 1965 Position of...
Presidential Meeting on Medicare Implementation,...
Press release about Leonidas H. Berry's receipt of...
Press release about the appointment of Dr. Leonidas...
Press release about the First Imhotep Award and...
Press release about the Medical Counseling Clinic in...
Press release from Health and Hospitals Governing...
"Problems and achievements of black Americans in...
Proceedings of a symposium on the history of...
Proclamation from Martin H. Kennelly, mayor, City of...
Professional achievement award presented to Leonidas...
Program and schedule for annual meeting of the...
Program committee for the Association of Fomer...
Program for a Cook Country Physicians' Association...
Program for Holy Communion Day, AME Union Church,...
Program for memorial services for Lula D. Myers,...
Program for Rush Medical College Alumni Association...
Program for the Cook County Physicians' Association...
Program for “The Flying Black Medics” Task Force...
Program for the periodical fifth Sunday night...
Program for the World Congress of Gastroenterology,...
Program in honor of E. Clayton Terry, Association of...
Programme, Thirty-First Annual Clinic and...
Program, Old Dominion Medical Society and Women's...
Programs based at teaching hospitals or medical...
"Progress in NMA-AMA Relationships, New Programs for...
"Progress in outpatient care at county hospital,"...
Proposed draft resolution to be presented for...
Proposed draft resolution to Leonidas H. Berry to be...
Public aid Alexander County (Cairo, Illinois)
Quadrennial Report [1968–1972] of the Connectional...
"Recent Experimental and Clinical Experiences with...
Recollection of testimony of Dr. Eric Oldberg before...
"Recommendations of the Incoming President to the...
"Recommendations of the President" [of the National...
Records of burials behind Woodsdale House (Harris...
Reflections on the United States in 1957, where...
Remarks by Dr. Angelo E. Dagradi upon the...
Remarks of Leonidas H. Berry on receipt of an award...
Remarks on a suggested photographic scheme for a...
Report before the Board of Governors, The American...
Report of achievements speech as outgoing president,...
"Report of committee on hospital, patient, and staff...
"Report of President of the National Medical...
Report of Provident Hospital Staff Committee on...
Report of the executive director to the Chicago...
Report of the President, Constitutional Amendments...
Report of the President-Elect of the National...
Resolution amending the by-laws of the Cook County...
Resolution commending all civil rights workers in...
Retirement card from Mary E. Frizzell, president,...
Reverend Berry, secretary of missions for AME...
"Rush distinguished alumnus response," read at...
Second Annual Postgraduate Seminar for Physicians,...
Second conference on drug addiction among...
Sections of the municipal code of Chicago and the...
Set of tables - II; three months of "commuter...
Seventh annual scientific meeting of the Clinical...
"Sojourn to Boston," story of Rev. Llewellyn L....
Special report of the subcommittee of the NMA-AMA...
Statement of Leonidas H. Berry, MD, Addendum, Fight...
Statement of time given by Dr. Kermit T. Mehlinger...
St. James - 5, "Dick's Episode"
St. James AME, South Norfolk, Virginia,...
Stories from 1917-1919 about Leonidas H. Berry's...
Story of the establishment of St. James AME Church...
"Suggestions for teaching the nature and effects of...
Summary notes about 109 secretory studies made under...
Summary of human relations and civic activities of...
Summary of report of coordinator, narcotics program,...
Supplementary statement to the proposal submitted to...
Supplement to "Sojourn to Boston"
Survey instrument sent to Dr. Leonidas H. Berry from...
"Survey of Black Students in U.S. Medical Schools,”...
Survey of the medical problems in Cairo and...
Symposium on hypertension, conclusions
Telegram from F. Hamilton, Cornell Medical College...
Telegram from Herman N. Bundesen, president, Chicago...
Telegram from Pan American Airways inviting Dr....
Telegram from President Lyndon B. Johnson to...
Telegram from the Embassy of Nigeria, Washington,...
Teletype message from G. Howard Gowen, MD to Dr....
Temporary open medical staff hospital care project
Thanksgiving speech with comments on I Wouldn't Take...
The African Methodist Episcopal Ministerial Alliance...
The American College of Physicians fiftieth annual...
The American Public Health Association, nature and...
The annual meeting of the American Gastroscopic...
"The Berry Plan," a plan of medical approach to the...
"The chronological story of Pop's pastorate at the...
"The church of our father;" story about the history...
The Federal Dollar and Nondiscrimination, A Guide to...
The fifth annual spring conference on "Recruitment...
"The growing negro middle class in Chicago"
"The lack of need for a Southside branch of Cook...
"The need for county hospital," editorial from the...
"The physician becomes an historian," address to the...
The question of the name for the committee: the...
The World Congress of Gastroenterology, September...
Timetable for opening session of the Seventieth...
"To be published in June. . . Conferences on Drug...
Tribute, a history of St. James AME Church and its...
Two-page biography of Samuel Chapman Armstrong
Veterans Administration Hospital, Tuskegee, Alabama,...
Voucher sent by Samuel Jenifer to Bureau of Pensions...
Ward Chapel AME Church, Cairo, Illinois, order of...
Wedding anniversary napkin with Leonidas H. Berry's...
WMAQ radio civic salute to Dr. Leonidas H. Berry
XVIIIème Congrès de l'Association d'Etudes...